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Starting a Movement From Zero // Local Marketing Insider #079

7 MIN READ | July 17, 2024

Hey! Welcome to Local Marketing Insider, where 16,000+ local marketing professionals get better at reputation strategy & more with insights delivered monthly.

Jake Hughes Director of Marketing

Local Marketing Insider

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How to Measure Resident Experience in Property Management

9 min read | July 25, 2024
A guide to measuring and applying resident experience metrics to your property and multifamily management strategy.
Ellie Guyon Review Response Specialist

A Data-Driven Approach to Maximizing Positive and Minimizing Negative Reviews

7 min read | July 23, 2024
Strategies to maximize positive feedback and minimize negative impact. Delve into data-driven tips for building a stronger online reputation.
Nick Ciufo Nick Ciufo

Short-Term Vs. Long-Term Reputation Management Strategies

7 min read | July 22, 2024
Learn to balance short and long-term brand management strategies, then apply these effective tips and tactics to improve your online reputation.
Emily Keenan Content Marketing Specialist

Starting a Movement From Zero // Local Marketing Insider #079

7 min read | July 17, 2024
What street theater can teach marketers about marketing.
Jake Hughes Director of Marketing

How Reputation Management Can Drive Advocacy & Power the Flywheel

11 min read | July 15, 2024
Learn how Hubspot's Flywheel marketing model for growth can be powered by reputation management and complimented by content and the Brand Mosaic concept.
Jake Hughes Director of Marketing

How Smart Dealers Build a Head-Turning Reputation with No Wasted Effort, Backed by Data

6 min read | July 12, 2024
Smart dealers build their reputations using data-driven strategies. Learn to maximize positive reviews and minimize negative feedback in automotive sales and service.
Jake Hughes Director of Marketing

Use Reviews to Build Your Multi-location Brand

5 min read | July 10, 2024
Build a strong brand across multiple locations by effectively managing online reviews. Learn strategies to align locations, improve customer experience, and boost reputation.
Emily Keenan Content Marketing Specialist

3 Reasons Prospects Don’t Trust Your Reviews

5 min read | July 10, 2024
Why prospects might not trust your reviews and how to build credibility. Personalize responses, maintain review frequency and embrace negative feedback for authentic trust...
Ellie Guyon Review Response Specialist

5 Non-Negotiable Review Response Rules

6 min read | June 28, 2024
Effectively manage your business's online reputation with these review response best practices.
Ellie Guyon Review Response Specialist

What is the Ideal Average Google Review Star Rating?

7 min read | June 28, 2024
Is 5/5 the average Google review star rating your business should be shooting for? Learn to manage expectations and how customers interpret different levels.
Jane Garfinkel Product Manager

Renewal Realities and Strategies for Effective Multifamily Retention

7 min read | June 25, 2024
Improve your online multifamily reputation strategy and gain insight into what impacts resident renewal decisions.
Ellie Guyon Review Response Specialist

Analyzing the Customer Experience: What Makes Dealerships Stand Out?

7 min read | June 25, 2024
Discover key findings and drivers of customer satisfaction from the Automotive Experience Leaders Report
Emily Keenan Content Marketing Specialist

Local Marketing Insider

Bite-sized, to-the-point, trend-driven local marketing stories and tactics.