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Video Testimonial Generation Software

Victorious with Video

Turn your CRM into an always-on video testimonial generating machine with Invite Video™. Empower your marketing team to convert more prospects to buyers with video social proof.

Integrates easily with (and more):
“Prior to incorporating Invite Video, there were legal-related steps and forms to consider which we believe discouraged people from leaving video reviews. Widewail’s process streamlines the level of effort for our customers and makes it as easy as sending a funny video link to a friend.”
-Thomas E Eggers | Platform Digital Director at Nyle Maxwell Family of Dealerships

What if new video testimonial content was no longer a luxury, but an expectation?

Imagine what your business could do with 5, 10, or 20
new customer testimonials a month, every month.

Collect great video testimonials

Gather lots of user-generated video content and use your customer’s own words to help convert future buyers.

Save time with technology Automated software triggers video requests upon closed sale in your CRM. Let customers record themselves. No film crew, setup, or travel.
Easy for your customers Testimonial videos can be recorded right on their mobile device, no downloads required. Invite Video guides your customers through every step of the process.
Cheaper than professional video Get a whole library of user-generated videos for the cost of one professional video. You don't need to be stuck with one testimonial a year because of budget constraints. 
We collect the videos, you pick the best ones Videos are submitted into Widewail's app, notifying your team of a new submission. Navigate to the app to view your new video content, downloading the best ones for use in your marketing.
See Invite Video In Action
Real experiences. Real people. Shared with video.
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A New Approach to Video

The secret? Software vs. big-budget production crew.

For Nyle Maxwell, Video is a Gamechanger

Dealership group Nyle Maxwell demonstrates how Invite Video can open a new pipeline of marketing content for local businesses.

Automotive Nyle-Maxwell 41

Video testimonials generated in the first 5 months on Invite Video

Read Case Study

“Our growth, even during the pandemic, has nothing to do with chance, the previous vendor, or our internal activities - and everything to do with Widewail. I applaud your team and review management services.”

Thomas E. Eggers
Platform Digital Director at Nyle Maxwell Family of Dealerships

Trust Sells

Today we live in a world of distributed trust, where your customers trust their peers to help them make better buying decisions, far more than they trust advertising from your business. As a marketer or business owner you can use that to your advantage, delivering high-impact video review recommendations at key moments, increasing conversion.

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Share video social proof at the right moment to persuade and convert.

Convert more visitors to leads and customers with video testimonials. Leverage high-impact testimonial video at key decision-making moments on product and landing pages to increase conversion up to 160%.

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More time promoting, less time producing.

Empower your marketing team with great customer video testimonial content. Leave the grind behind. Video testimonials are no longer infrequent with expensive production costs. New content is delivered to you, month-in, month-out. Promote more, produce less. 80% of your marketing team’s time should be spent promoting content, but in reality, 80% of its time is spent creating the content in the first place. With Invite video, the content is delivered to your team, ready for promotion.

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(More) Victorious with Video

Seamlessly integrate custom offers into your video collection process to boost conversion rates with Incentives Engine. Send highly targeted incentives, keep track of prize winners, manage your budget, and prevent abuse.

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Wouldn't it be great if your customer said that?

Capture it with Campaigns. Align customer commentary with your marketing objectives. Technology with the flexibility you need to capture the feedback you want.

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