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Posts by Jake Hughes

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About the Author

I’m the Director of Marketing here at Widewail, as well as a husband and new dad outside the office. I'm in Vermont by way of Boston, where I grew the CarGurus YouTube channel from 0 to 100k subscribers. I love the outdoors and hate to be hot, so I’m doing just fine in the arctic Vermont we call home. Fun fact: I met my wife on the shuttle bus at Baltimore airport. Thanks for reading Widewail’s content!

Starting a Movement From Zero // Local Marketing Insider #079

7 min read | July 17, 2024
What street theater can teach marketers about marketing.
Jake Hughes Director of Marketing

How Reputation Management Can Drive Advocacy & Power the Flywheel

11 min read | July 15, 2024
Learn how Hubspot's Flywheel marketing model for growth can be powered by reputation management and complimented by content and the Brand Mosaic concept.
Jake Hughes Director of Marketing

How Smart Dealers Build a Head-Turning Reputation with No Wasted Effort, Backed by Data

6 min read | July 12, 2024
Smart dealers build their reputations using data-driven strategies. Learn to maximize positive reviews and minimize negative feedback in automotive sales and service.
Jake Hughes Director of Marketing

75 Quick Online Reputation Management Tips

14 min read | April 24, 2024
75 online reputation tips: connect with customers, get more reviews and leave lasting impressions. Strategies learned by Widewail's experts after managing 1M+ reviews.
Jake Hughes Director of Marketing

How to Use Analogies to Make Complex Numbers Resonate // Local Marketing Insider #078

6 min read | April 17, 2024
What 4% and BMW can teach us about better writing.
Jake Hughes Director of Marketing

How to Get More Reviews: Insider Secrets

10 min read | April 17, 2024
If you want to get more reviews for your local business this month, not by year’s-end, do these 9 things. The big $ secret: consistency.
Jake Hughes Director of Marketing

New Ways to Market Through "Trusted Messengers" // Local Marketing Insider #077

5 min read | March 20, 2024
What new non-employee thought leadership ads on Linkedin mean for marketers.
Jake Hughes Director of Marketing

How to Create Relevant Social Content with Your Data // Local Marketing Insider #076

5 min read | February 29, 2024
How to create relevant social content with your data using the news to source better ideas with less work.
Jake Hughes Director of Marketing

Do Automotive Brands' Super Bowl Ads Match Their Online Reputations?

6 min read | February 15, 2024
Four automakers signed the $7M check for an ad slot last night: Toyota, BMW, Kia and Volkswagen. Does their customer feedback support their ad ambitions?
Jake Hughes Director of Marketing

Trust Marketing Framework - Who Owns What? // Local Marketing Insider #075

6 min read | February 14, 2024
The Trust Marketing Framework is a detailed playbook multi-location businesses can use to build positivity surrounding their brand in an era where trust is built...
Jake Hughes Director of Marketing

Do This One Thing When Launching a Newsletter // Local Marketing Insider #074

6 min read | January 24, 2024
A brief guide to newsletter formatting with a tactic you can put to use right away.
Jake Hughes Director of Marketing

Local Marketing Insider #073 // A Low-Risk Way to Work Faster and Save with AI Image Tools

6 min read | January 12, 2024
The simple way Widewail uses AI in marketing imagery
Jake Hughes Director of Marketing

Local Marketing Insider

Bite-sized, to-the-point, trend-driven local marketing stories and tactics.