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The State of Play // Local Marketing Insider #056

16 min read | April 5, 2023
2023 Reviews Trends to Help You Make Smarter Reputation Management Decisions
Jake Hughes Director of Marketing

When Negative Reviews Are a Good Thing // Local Marketing Insider #055

5 min read | March 22, 2023
Learn how a 1-star review can drive a higher intent to purchase (academic study). How identity, rivalry and belonging are strong motivators and how the message vs. messenger...
Jake Hughes Director of Marketing

Local Marketing Insider #054 // 13 Incredibly Useful Websites (All Free)

8 min read | March 7, 2023
13 incredibly useful web tools (all free).
Jake Hughes Director of Marketing

This Ad Format Gets 10x CTR // Local Marketing Insider #053

7 min read | February 21, 2023
Exclusive case study: How customer review video for car dealers is generating social ads with 10x the CTR of static image ads.
Jake Hughes Director of Marketing

Local Marketing Insider LIVE Video Channel // Local Marketing Insider #052

16 min read | February 8, 2023
Video channel release and seven videos worth watching.
Jake Hughes Director of Marketing

Apple Business Connect // Local Marketing Insider #051

5 min read | January 24, 2023
Last week Apple launched its refreshed local business profile tool, Apple Business Connect. Learn what's new and what's not.
Jake Hughes Director of Marketing

Local Marketing Insider #050 // Beyond the Basics: 3 Essential Trust Marketing Concepts to Win Over Customers

7 min read | January 11, 2023
Trust Marketing isn't just about reviews. Here are 3 key Trust Marketing concepts that go beyond mainstream thinking.
Jake Hughes Director of Marketing

Trust Research & Predictions For 2023 // Local Marketing Insider #049

7 min read | December 27, 2022
We end 2022 with the latest trust research and a few predictions for 2023. To summarize, distrust is now the default, according to the Edelman Trust Barometer.
Jake Hughes Director of Marketing

How the Home Depot Competes in 4 GBP Categories Simultaneously // Local Marketing Insider #048

9 min read | December 13, 2022
Learn from Home Depot and master a multi-GBP strategy. Why? Rank higher in local search for distinct search categories unique to each department of your business.
Jake Hughes Director of Marketing

No Sweat: How to Handle a Google Reviews PR Micro Disaster // Local Marketing Insider #047

9 min read | November 29, 2022
Review spam event? Do these 4 things in the first 72 hours.
Jake Hughes Director of Marketing

How to Kickstart Word-of-Mouth Marketing: A Tactical Guide // Local Marketing Insider #046

11 min read | November 8, 2022
How to kickstart word-of-mouth marketing in 3 steps.
Jake Hughes Director of Marketing

AI Review Response Tools - Friend or Foe? // Local Marketing Insider #045

9 min read | October 26, 2022
AI review response writing tools: best as writing assistants, not writer replacements.
Jake Hughes Director of Marketing

Local Marketing Insider

Bite-sized, to-the-point, trend-driven local marketing stories and tactics.