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October 2, 2023

Unlocking the Best Video Review Secrets

How to successfully collect video reviews. These strategies will help you gather authentic and persuasive testimonials for your brand.

Consumers are constantly bombarded with marketing messages, advertisements and promotions. Amidst the noise of the crowded marketplace, what stands out? 

User-generated content. More specifically, video reviews and testimonials. 

People are becoming increasingly better at tuning out ads and scrolling right past sponsored content. Video reviews are effective because they are relatable, compelling and authentic. They are genuine accounts of real customers who have worked with your business. They provide social proof and build trust - and this trust is the cornerstone of a successful business. 

In this post, we will explore the best-kept video review secrets - tested tips and strategies for gathering impactful video testimonials from your customers. You can leverage these to enhance your brand narrative, build trust and drive the overall success of your business. 

The best ways to ask for video reviews

Asking for video reviews is essential to your marketing strategy. When people share their authentic experiences on camera, it resonates with potential customers, building credibility and trust. Moreover, by relying on your consumer base to provide valuable video content, you save resources that otherwise would have been spent on hiring expensive production crews. It’s a win-win: your customers become advocates and your marketing strategy becomes more cost-effective and relatable. 

Automate SMS-Based Video Review Requests

Out of all the options, the most effective way to ask for video reviews is to send automated texts to your customers with the request. 

SMS automation lets you connect effortlessly with your customers at exactly the right moment. When a customer makes a purchase or interacts positively with your brand, an automated SMS can be triggered, requesting customers to share their experience through a video review. 

Sending SMS video review requests at the right time capitalizes on customer enthusiasm and increases the likelihood of receiving authentic, positive feedback.

The benefits of automated SMS-based video request tools:

  1. It is easy to segment your customer list - you can personalize requests and send them to the right audience. 
  2. You can schedule messages and send requests when your customers are most likely to engage; this increases impact (directly after a sale, after resolving a problem, etc.) 
  3. Receiving the link right on their phone makes it a frictionless process to submit a video testimonial in only a few clicks.

When you automate your video review collection strategy, you take advantage of every review opportunity. To learn more about review request automation and how it can work for your business’s marketing strategy, check out Invite Video.

Send Email Requests 

Like SMS, Email marketing is another way of sending out video review requests. You can initiate personalized email campaigns targeting your existing customer base, encouraging them to share their experiences through video testimonials. 

Automating the process is key here, just as it is for SMS-based requests. Set up automated email sequences triggered by specific customer actions, such as a recent purchase or positive interaction. These emails can include direct links to your video review submission page, making the process seamless and hassle-free for your customers.

Something to keep in mind - email allows you to follow up with customers who may have expressed interest but haven't left a review yet. Gentle reminders can go a long way in increasing review submissions.

Use QR Codes

If you can’t send a link straight to your customers via SMS or email, an alternative way of asking for reviews is to use a QR code that leads to a video review landing page. QR codes simplify video testimonial generation by making the review process convenient and accessible to your customers. 

By strategically placing a QR code on your product packaging, receipts, or marketing/in-store materials, you expand your outreach and encourage your happy customers to share their experiences working with your business.  

The QR code’s physical presence means it can be handy at all times, and your customers can scan it if they see it when convenient. 

Run Social Media Campaigns 

Run targeted social media campaigns on platforms like TikTok, Instagram, or LinkedIn using video testimonial submissions as a call to action. 

You can create eye-catching posts, stories, or even live sessions to encourage customers to share their experiences via video reviews.

One of the advantages of social media is its wide reach. When customers leave video reviews on their profiles and tag your business, it exposes your brand to their network, potentially drawing in new customers.

How to get more customers to leave video reviews

Utilize Incentive Programs 

Incentivizing text reviews is frowned upon and often prohibited by most review sites. However, offering incentives is allowed for video reviews and can significantly impact the effectiveness of your video review campaigns. By using incentives, you motivate customers to take the time to create video reviews. These rewards not only encourage participation but also demonstrate your appreciation for their feedback

Over time, incentive programs have the potential to become a valuable part of your customer engagement strategy. Widewail’s Incentives Engine is tailored to help you send highly targeted incentives, keep track of prize winners, manage your budget and prevent spam all while helping you accumulate a wealth of authentic video reviews that build trust and credibility for your business.

Targeted follow-ups

A great way to ensure you’re reaching your happy customers with your video testimonial requests is to ask those who have previously left you a positive review. This tactic increases the likelihood of a testimonial being left while ensuring the feedback you get will be positive and valuable as marketing assets.

How to ensure the videos you receive will be great for marketing

Provide Guidelines 

Leaving a video review can feel unnatural or uncomfortable to some, so it’s often helpful to offer some guidelines to make the review process go more smoothly. 

On your video review landing page, provide a list of prompts or questions to encourage usable and marketable content. Ask your customers how long they have been using your products/services or what problem they were looking to solve when they started working with you. 

Include a list of recording instructions to help your customers capture the best video possible. Encourage them to record in natural light and a quiet space. Suggest they use a tripod or stable surface to avoid shaky footage. Provide tips for how they can frame themselves on camera. Lastly, urge your customers to speak naturally and be themselves. 

Any guidance you provide your customers will encourage more effective, authentic and applicable content for your business.  

For more examples of how to ensure relevant customer feedback, check out these 18 Questions You Can Ask to Turn a Good Video Review Into a Great One

Featured Product  Ready to turn your CRM into a video testimonial generating machine? Learn more about Invite Video

The Legal Stuff - What You Should Know

FTC Guidelines: 

To start, let’s cover the recently updated FTC Guidelines. The most significant shifts in the FTC’s guidelines revolve around clarity and disclosure. 

Using endorsements in your marketing is allowed, but it must be clear to everyone watching whether there was any incentivization such as payment, free products/services, or a promotional offer in exchange for a review or video testimonial. 

The FTC is putting greater emphasis on the relationship between the endorser and the advertiser. That means if there's any material connection, like a paid partnership, free product, or even a family relationship, it must be disclosed

When it comes to video testimonials specifically, the same rules apply. If you've incentivized your customers in any way to make that video, your audience needs to know.

What does it mean for your business? 

It's all about transparency. Video testimonials are a powerful tool in your marketing arsenal. They offer a real-life, relatable endorsement of your product or service. But, under the new FTC rules, you've got to be squeaky clean about how you get and use testimonials.

If you're offering incentives in exchange for video testimonials, you need to tell your audience. It doesn't matter whether it’s discounts, freebies, or contest entries. If there's any form of reward involved, it needs to be clearly stated in or alongside the video. And - it's not enough to hide this information in the small print. The FTC wants to see clear, conspicuous disclosure, so your audience can't possibly miss it.

*Some tips on informing the audience of incentives: Include a disclosure at the beginning of a video or mention it in the caption/description of the video wherever you are posting.

Consent Forms

Consent forms are essential to video testimonial collection. They serve as a legally binding agreement that ensures transparency and compliance with privacy regulations. 

These forms offer a complete and clear understanding that once a video is submitted,  the business reserves the right to use the video however they want. 

What does it mean for your business? 

By obtaining this type of explicit consent, you not only demonstrate ethical conduct but mitigate potential legal risks - all while protecting the rights of your customers. This type of open communication encourages a sense of trust and cooperation between businesses and consumers, ensuring a long-lasting relationship. 

For example, Widewail’s Invite Video features a built-in legal release form, keeping your customers informed and giving your business the freedom to use the videos you collect anywhere: your website, social media, advertisements, etc. 

Generating video reviews is an effective strategy for businesses looking to improve their online reputation and attract more customers. With these video review secrets and strategies, you can collect content to establish trust, showcase your products or services and connect with your audience on a deeper level.

Learn more about testimonials and how you can simplify the process of collecting and managing video reviews with Invite Video

Guide  The Complete Guide to Video Testimonials for Businesses Read Now


Emily Keenan

Originally from Scarborough, Maine, I moved to Vermont after graduating from St. Lawrence University, where I received my BA in English and Spanish. I have always been interested in writing and communication, which is what initially drew me to the Review Response Specialist position at Widewail. In my spare time, I can be found reading, playing electric guitar, or strolling/biking around one of Burlington’s many scenic trails. I always welcome the opportunity to talk about my work, and invite anyone with questions or comments to reach out or connect with me on LinkedIn.

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