Access Reputation Index & More

The most comprehensive reputation data resources in automotive, brought to you by Widewail.
  • Widewail Automotive Reputation Index
  • The REV Newsletter (1x/month)
  • Industry Reports

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Automotive Index Training: Basic Actions


  • In the top toolbar, click “Sort”

  • Select a column title in the dropdown menu and sort in ascending or descending order

  • Add multiple sorts for additional layers of ordering

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Automotive Index Training: Basic Actions


  • In the top toolbar, click “Filter”

  • Focus on certain areas by filtering by categorical fields like "Brand" or "City"

  • Set conditional filters like "all dealers with an average rating greater than 4"

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Get to Know the Reputation Data

This Widewail Automotive Reputation Index dataset consists of:

  • 16,671 new car dealers in the U.S.

  • 1.6M reviews

  • Google reviews only

  • Current Timeframe: February through June of 2023

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What Does This All Mean?

Find definitions of each column header

In the row of column headers, you can hover over the ⓘ symbol next to each label to read the definition of what is being measured in that column and how the data was collected. 

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Where to Find Benchmarks

At the bottom of the table, you'll find aggregated numbers for each column. These are the benchmarks. We've preset the benchmarks in each column for you.

The benchmark data updates as you filter and sort the table, producing thousands of variations, each specific to your market or interests.


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Common Use Cases & More

Below the Reputation Index table, you'll find a Common Use Cases section to get you started. Each common use case includes a how-to video.

The Automotive Reputation Index is ever-evolving. Check back regularly for updated data and new use cases. If your dealership is missing and you’d like to add it to the Index, select “Submit a request to add.”

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2023 Voice of the Customer Report

Widewail analyzed 800,000 automotive Google reviews to isolate what compels dealership customers to leave a good or bad review.

Then, we distilled our findings into a report any GM, dealership digital manager or local business marketer can use as a foundation for reputation and business strategy in 2024.

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VoC hardcover mockup FINAL-1

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2023 Voice of the Customer Report

Ways to Use This Data


The study analyzes 800,000 dealership Google reviews


Maximize positive & negative reviews, backed by data


Insights that inform operational decision making for 2024


Which investments influence customer experience as identified in public feedback


National automotive reputation benchmarks for 2023


Surprising topics that have little influence on customer experience

Learn What Makes Dealership Customers Happy

Discover the most commonly mentioned topics in positive reviews, the surprising topics that have little impact on positive reviews and a playbook to maximize positive reviews.

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Learn What Makes Dealership Customers Unhappy

Uncover the combination of topics most-commonly found in negative Google reviews. Learn the playbook to minimize negative feedback.

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How Consumers Think About Price

Dig deep into customer sentiment trends related to a fundamental part of business: price. Do deals impact positive sentiment? What effect did the interest rate hikes have on consumers' public comments in 2023?

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Get National Reputation Benchmarks

Get your bearings with the foundational reputation benchmarks at an industry-wide scale.

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2023 Voice of the Customer Report