Burlington, VT
1/1/2024 - 10/1/2024
Based on Google reviews from 23 Dealerships
Rank 1 of 150
reputation health score We took care of that for you. Free text analysis of review content using proprietary AI and natural language processing methods allows us to dissect your reviews for to determine what topics your customers care about most.
32%How we calculate this score
WatchRank: 5 of 150
0.33 Above Benchmark
Rank: 53 of 150
-0.44 Below Benchmark
Rank: 23 of 150
1.34 Above Benchmark
Rank: 65 of 150
-7.19 Above Benchmark
Benchmarks: Calculated by analyzing XX,XXX reviews across the automotive industry. Learn More
The benchmark the national average for how often this topic comes up in new car dealer Google reviews. Here’s how you do:
Positive %
2.54% 23.49%Below BenchmarkNegative %
1.51% 42.34%Below BenchmarkPositive %
81.46% 8.3% Above BenchmarkNegative %
24.87% 7.46%Below BenchmarkPositive %
22.34% 20.26% Above BenchmarkNegative %
2.18% 19.42%Below BenchmarkPositive %
12.53% 0.72%Below BenchmarkNegative %
3.7% 37.48% Above BenchmarkPositive %
16.48% 2.71% Above BenchmarkNegative %
2.02% 52.9% Above BenchmarkPositive %
2.21% 31.09%Below BenchmarkNegative %
3.03% 26.28%Below BenchmarkHere’s how you do:
These are the 5 topics most often mentioned in your negative reviews. Below benchmark is preferred, meaning the group has fewer negative mentions of each topic.
Positive %
0% 100%Below BenchmarkNegative %
1.01% 21.37%Below BenchmarkPositive %
5.48% 25.98%Below BenchmarkNegative %
21.51% 6.3% Above BenchmarkPositive %
3% 2.72% Above BenchmarkNegative %
1.01% 9.21% Above BenchmarkPositive %
2.21% 31.09%Below BenchmarkNegative %
3.03% 26.28%Below BenchmarkPositive %
3% 2.72% Above BenchmarkNegative %
1.01% 9.21% Above BenchmarkThese are the 5 topics most often mentioned in your positive reviews. Above benchmark is preferred, meaning the group has more positive mentions of each topic.
Positive %
0% 100%Below BenchmarkNegative %
1.01% 21.37%Below BenchmarkPositive %
5.48% 25.98%Below BenchmarkNegative %
21.51% 6.3% Above BenchmarkPositive %
3% 2.72% Above BenchmarkNegative %
1.01% 9.21% Above BenchmarkPositive %
2.21% 31.09%Below BenchmarkNegative %
3.03% 26.28%Below BenchmarkPositive %
3% 2.72% Above BenchmarkNegative %
1.01% 9.21% Above BenchmarkHere’s how you do:
Positive %
0% 100%Below BenchmarkNegative %
1.01% 21.37%Below BenchmarkPositive %
5.48% 25.98%Below BenchmarkNegative %
21.51% 6.3% Above BenchmarkPositive %
3% 2.72% Above BenchmarkNegative %
1.01% 9.21% Above BenchmarkPositive %
2.21% 31.09%Below BenchmarkNegative %
3.03% 26.28%Below BenchmarkPositive %
3% 2.72% Above BenchmarkNegative %
1.01% 9.21% Above BenchmarkPositive %
11.09% 14.81% Above BenchmarkNegative %
42.02% 15.82%Below BenchmarkPositive %
0.04% 23.75%Below BenchmarkNegative %
4.2% 12.86%Below BenchmarkPositive %
2.87% 27.12%Below BenchmarkNegative %
1.18% 26.36%Below BenchmarkPositive %
3.44% 31.35%Below BenchmarkNegative %
6.39% 16.28%Below BenchmarkPositive %
16.48% 2.71% Above BenchmarkNegative %
2.02% 52.9% Above BenchmarkPositive %
30.98% 13.5% Above BenchmarkNegative %
2.86% 7.83%Below BenchmarkPositive %
2.98% 6.35%Below BenchmarkNegative %
4.2% 11.65%Below BenchmarkPositive %
2.54% 23.49%Below BenchmarkNegative %
1.51% 42.34%Below BenchmarkPositive %
22.34% 20.26% Above BenchmarkNegative %
2.18% 19.42%Below BenchmarkPositive %
1.11% 16.21%Below BenchmarkNegative %
2.18% 27.28%Below BenchmarkPositive %
5.58% 25.79%Below BenchmarkNegative %
20.5% 3.52%Below BenchmarkPositive %
0.39% 30.91%Below BenchmarkNegative %
1.01% 25.1% Above BenchmarkPositive %
0.4% 39.25%Below BenchmarkNegative %
1.01% 45.18%Below BenchmarkPositive %
2.56% 35.06%Below BenchmarkNegative %
16.3% 3.14% Above BenchmarkPositive %
12.53% 0.72%Below BenchmarkNegative %
3.7% 37.48% Above BenchmarkPositive %
30.97% 7.39%Below BenchmarkNegative %
20% 11.5%Below BenchmarkPositive %
36.62% 8.95%Below BenchmarkNegative %
39.5% 17.82%Below BenchmarkPositive %
81.46% 8.3% Above BenchmarkNegative %
24.87% 7.46%Below BenchmarkPositive %
1.58% 13.96%Below BenchmarkNegative %
3.03% 2.64%Below BenchmarkPositive %
0.19% 51.79%Below BenchmarkNegative %
0% 100%Below BenchmarkPositive %
3.86% 28.68%Below BenchmarkNegative %
25.38% 2.64% Above BenchmarkPositive %
0.92% 33.1%Below BenchmarkNegative %
5.21% 20.21%Below BenchmarkHere’s where your group falls in the reputation rankings for each of these categories:
Top Dealership Groups
Out Of 150
Monthly rating
Out Of 150
Monthly Volume
Out Of 150
Response Rate
Out Of 150
Negativity Percent
Out Of 150
Talk to a reputation management expert today to determine where you can improve.